Hi! I’m Mrs. Smith! Thanks so much for checking out my page and songs!!
Using music as a learning tool, allows a child’s brain to reach its fullest potential!
Letter Formation Songs Aa-Zz
Learn how to write the letters of the Alphabet with these NO PREP downloads! Check out my 4 different downloads with ALL AUDIO attached!
Sight Word Songs
Make learning sight words FUN! Click on the version of sight words your district uses and BEGIN! No PREP teaching and learning!!
Sentence Ladders
Learn how to read with these NO PREP sentence ladders!! Students become CONFIDENT readers when learning through this style of teaching!
Letter Formation Song in Action
Sight Word Song in Action
Sentence Ladders in Action
Alphabet Rap Download
Check out my Alphabet Rap with all Aa-Zz slides and ALL AUDIO Alphabet Rap Songs attached!
Nursery Rhymes
Print off these nursery rhymes for students to follow along and learn from! They are perfect for learning how to read!
NO PREP Reading Slides
These AMAZING slides help students learn how to read! Download them today for NO PREP learning/teaching!!
BEST Sight Word Song
This song has the first 20 Sight words that kids need to know! Enjoy!! Click on the link to buy the slides that go with it!