Sentence Ladder Picture Reveal Google Slides
Here are 28 amazing sentence ladders.
4 short a ladders
4 short e ladders
4 short i ladders
4 short o ladders
4 short u ladders
8 mixed short vowel ladders
Once children read them, a picture will be revealed to see if they got it right!
Download today! You will LOVE these for NO PREP teaching!!
Here are 28 amazing sentence ladders.
4 short a ladders
4 short e ladders
4 short i ladders
4 short o ladders
4 short u ladders
8 mixed short vowel ladders
Once children read them, a picture will be revealed to see if they got it right!
Download today! You will LOVE these for NO PREP teaching!!
Here are 28 amazing sentence ladders.
4 short a ladders
4 short e ladders
4 short i ladders
4 short o ladders
4 short u ladders
8 mixed short vowel ladders
Once children read them, a picture will be revealed to see if they got it right!
Download today! You will LOVE these for NO PREP teaching!!